Hunt for the Good Stuff

Hunt for the Good Stuff

It is an unfortunate part of human nature (in my opinion) that we tend to focus on the negative things first. The mistakes we made, the mess ups, the things we said that aren’t sitting well - we sometimes dwell on those things and let them linger. I’ve done this many times, and I can honestly say that very little benefit came from dwelling on them.

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How To Series; Self-Care

How To Series; Self-Care

Self-care is a conscious act we can engage in to promote our own mental, physical, and emotional well being. Self-care has become such a hot topic in recent years, and for a good reason - we should all be making self-care a priority! In order to be our best when our best is needed, it’s important that we’ve taken care of ourselves so that our best is available.

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Changing How We Talk To Our Youth

Changing How We Talk To Our Youth

Our youth are still figuring out their self-esteem and how to think about their experiences. They are primarily emotion focused, and therefore it is our job as parents, guardians, and coaches to model how they can think about their performances. Facilitating healthy performance reflection in their youth years will set them up for healthy performance reflection throughout their lives.

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Is Your Mind Fit?

Is Your Mind Fit?

We often spend a majority of our time improving the physical aspects of performance, which is obviously an important factor to being able to perform at your best. But let’s think about it from the perspective of the best of the best to those who are masters of their craft. What do you think separates them from the rest of those amazing athletes out there? The answer is mental strength, mental toughness, mental fitness.

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